Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji gyuuniku beef
kanji hozonhouhou preservation method
kanji jicchishiken practical test
kanji denkyuu light bulb
kanji hiyakesuru spálit se od sluníčka, opálit se
kanji ten nebe, obloha
kanji idoukyokusen evolving curve
kanji ryakugo abbreviation, acronym
kanji konnichi dnešní den, v dnešní době
kanji oseji compliment
kanji yakedo burn
kanji kaen flower garden
kanji buntsuu korespondence
kanji hyougen (1)expression, presentation, (2)(math) representation, notation
kanji chiyogami čijogami, ozdobný japonský papír
kanji terebi wo tsuke ru Turn on the TV
kanji hipparu (1)to pull, to draw, to pull tight, (2)to string (lines), to run (cable), to stretch, (3)to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve), (4)to drag, to haul, to tow, (5)to lead (e.g. one's follo
kanji jihyou resignation (letter)
kanji okidokei clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch)
kanji en'you claim, quotation, invocation
kanji tata very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tufty
kanji itsuka five days, the fifth day (of the month)
kanji nentou (1)the oldest person/ (2)beginning of the year/(P)
kanji maemukino směřující dopředu, pozitivní
kanji higuchi hořák