Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
入り口 iriguči vchod, vjezdleda1
šiči (num) sevenjlpt5
一口 hitokuči (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
onadži; onadžiku; kurikaeši; dounodžiten; noma množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
七つ nanacu sevenjlpt5
入れる ireru to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let inichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
人口 džinkou populationjlpt4, leda1
džuu (num) 10, tenjlpt5
入る hairu to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb