Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
正式 seishiki due form, official, formalitymix
本当 hontou truth, realityleda1
挙手 kyoshu raising (holding up) one's hand, salutesuru
そよ風 soyokaze breezeleda1, tenki
苦手な nigate na weak, uncomfortable, unable to takejlpt3
歯車 haguruma ozubené kololeda1
折半 seppan rozdělení na polovinyleda1
海王星 kaiousei Neptune (planet)mix
高熱 kounetsu (1)high fever, (2)pyro- mix
点数 tensuu marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)leda1
緑柱石 ryokuchuuseki berylkagaku
梅雨に入る。 tsuyu ni hairu. Období dešťů začíná.tenki
空前 kuuzen unprecedented, record-breakingmix
西洋式 seiyoushiki western style or fashionmix
今日は冷えます。 kyou ha hiemasu. Dnes se ochladí.mix