Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
きん goldkagaku
多作の たさくの prolificadj
中央駅 ちゅうおうえき main stationmix
休養 きゅうよう rest, break, recreationsuru
続き つづき sequel, continuation, (also suffix) continuation (in time and space), second series, succession, spelljlpt3
苦しい くるしい painful, difficultadj, jlpt3
交差点 こうさてん intersectionjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
負け まけ defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
平方 へいほう squaremath
番犬 ばんけん watchdogdoubutsu, leda1