Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
理事国 りじこく member country of the executive committee in an international organization (organisation)mix
お茶 おちゃ tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
画家 がか paintershigoto
寒気 かんき (1)cold, coldness, cold air; (2)chill, the shivers, shivering fit, (3)cold, coldness, cold air mix
Please, kiss me.ai
大切(な) たいせつ(な) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
便り たより (1)news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter; (2)news from ... mix
Jak dlouho budu čekat?mix
語意 ごい (ling) meaning of a wordbunpou
上着 うわぎ coat, tunic, jacket, outer garmentfuku, jlpt5, leda1
屋外 おくがい outdoors, alfrescomix
工場 こうじょう factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
大広間 おおひろま banquet or reception hallmix
来年 らいねん next yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
Miluji tě k smrti.ai
春風 はるかぜ jarní vítrleda1, shizen, tenki
合い方 あいかた (musical) accompanimentongaku
上質 じょうしつ fine qualitymix
とお 10, tenjlpt5
一方で いっぽうで on the other handmix
寒い さむい cold (e.g. weather)jlpt5, tenki
ひる noon, daytimejlpt5, toki
Řekni mi, jak se tenhle znak čte, prosím.mix
体験 たいけん personal experience/(P)leda1, suru
先週 せんしゅう last week, the week beforejlpt5, leda1, toki
代わる かわる nahradit (někoho)godan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
買い物 かいもの shoppingjlpt5
走り回る はしりまわる obíhatgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
用語 ようご termmath