Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
これが正しいかどうか説明できません。 kore ga tadašii kadouka secumei dekimasen. Nedokážu vysvětlit, jestli to je správně nebo ne.mix
悪口 waruguči abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouth; abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouth; abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking, bad mouthsuru
勉強させてくれ! benkjou sasete kure! Nechte mě studovat!mix
道しるべ mičiširube (1)guidepost, signpost, guide, (2)(col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica) mix
近所 kindžo neighbor hoodjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
~台 ~dai counter for machines, stand, rest, rackcounter, jlpt5
大工 daiku carpenterleda1, shigoto
この度 konotabi this occasion, at this time, nowmix
生きる ikiru to live, to existichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
産出 sanšucu yield, producesuru
jo světleda1
進む susumu to make progressgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
元首 genšu ruler/sovereign/(P)leda1
市民 šimin citizenjlpt4, leda1
好く suku to like/to love/to be fond ofgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans