Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
nani whatjlpt5
見送る miokuru (1)to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell, (2)to see out, to send off, (3)to let pass, to wait and see, to continue (e.g. in legal contexts), (4)to godan, verb, vtrans
学校新聞 gakkoušinbun school papermix
物質 butšicu nature, propertymix
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
見物 kenbucu sightseeingjlpt4
大好き daisuki love, to like a lotai, jlpt5
産地 sanči producing areamix
早春 soušun předjaříleda1, toki
意図 ito intention/aim/designleda1, suru