Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji やめる to stop
kanji ひるごはん lunch
kanji ふどうさんや real estate agent, realtor
kanji わかれる to separate
kanji ふせい injustice
kanji これ が ただしい かどうか せつめい できません。 Nedokážu vysvětlit, jestli to je správně nebo ne.
kanji かいもん otevření vchodu
kanji ふうん unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate
kanji くぎる rozdělovat, rozčleňovat
kanji はる spring
kanji いそがなくて も いい です。 Nemusíš pospíchat.
kanji ふく clothes
kanji こうぎょう industry
kanji あかえい stingray
kanji まふゆ období kolem zimního slunovratu, pravá zima
kanji にく meat
kanji おもさ weight/(P)
kanji ひきこもり (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people
kanji かいてん rotation (usu. around something)/revolution/turning/(P)
kanji ぶっしつ nature, property
kanji いいん doctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensary
kanji びんじょう taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a ship
kanji からだ body
kanji たて (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency)
kanji すむ to live (of humans)/to reside/to inhabit/to dwell/to abide/(P)