Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
教え おしえ teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3
試みる こころみる to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
通す とおす to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist ingodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
文明 ぶんめい (1)civilization, civilisation, culture, (2)Bummei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20) mix
海洋 かいよう oceanmix
場合 ばあい case, occasionjlpt4
終業 しゅうぎょう end of work/end of schoolleda1, suru
別々 べつべつ separately, individuallymix
重たい おもたい heavy, massive, serious, important, severe, oppressedadj
区切る くぎる rozdělovat, rozčleňovatgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans