Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
国連 kokuren UN, United Nationsmix
用事 joudži things to dojlpt4
kata way of doingjlpt5
zu figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)leda1, math
光る hikaru to shine,to glittergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
山村 sanson mountain villageleda1
直線 čokusen straight linemix
合わす awasu spojovat se, slučovat segodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
田んぼ tanbo paddy field, farmmix
安くても、買いません。 jasukute mo,kaimasen. I když to bude levné, nekoupím to.mix
死ぬ šinu to diegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
電子音楽 denšiongaku electronic musicongaku
品行 hinkou (moral) conduct/behaviour/behavior/deportmentleda1
欠く kaku to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
たった今バスが出たところです。 tatta ima basu ga deta tokoro desu. Autobus právě odjel.mix
高台 takadai vyvýšeninaleda1
国歌 kokka national anthemmix
英国人 eikokudžin Briton, Englishman, (the) Englishmix
上体 džoutai upper bodymix
座談会 zadankai besedagakkou
kin ban (e.g. on smoking), prohibitionmix
お金を下ろす。 okane wo orosu. Vybrat peníze. (z banky, bankomatu)mix
行使 kouši use/exerciseleda1, suru
日の丸 hinomaru (1)outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle)/ (2)(abbr) the Japanese flag/(P) leda1
半ば nakaba polovina, středleda1
古寺 kodži starý chrám, starodávný chrámkami, leda1
taka výše (ceny apod.)leda1
今月 kongecu this monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
通関 cuukan customs clearancesuru
平安時代 heiandžidai Heian period (794-1185)mix