Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
百京 ひゃくきょう kvadrilionmix
人口 じんこう populationjlpt4, leda1
料理する りょうりする to cookryouri, suru, verb
歩合 ぶあい rate, ratio, commission, percentage, poundagemix
別人 べつじん different person, someone else, changed man; (n) different person, someone else, changed manmix
大国主 おおくにぬし Ookuninushi, ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magickami
薬味 やくみ condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper), spicesuru
小川 おがわ brookleda1, shizen
多々 たた very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tuftymix
音楽 おんがく music, musical movementjlpt5, leda1, ongaku
~会 ~かい clubjlpt4
合わせる あわせる sloučit, spojit, dát dohromadyichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
Máte otevřeno?mix
八つ やっつ eightjlpt5
用事 ようじ things to dojlpt4
やる気 やるき willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
図画 ずが drawingadj, leda1
題名 だいめい název, tituljlpt3, leda1
不意 ふい sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
五分五分 ごぶごぶ as likely as not, 50-50, even match, tiemix
意外 いがい unexpectedmix
ぶん partmix
食前 しょくぜん před jídlemleda1, ryouri
水切り みずきり (1)drainer, strainer, colander, (2)cutwater, forefoot, flashing, throating, (3)(playing) ducks and drakes, stone skipping, skipping rocks, (4)snipping the stem of a cut flower without raising it o suru
西 にし westjlpt5
小林 こばやし Kobayashinamae
とお 10, tenjlpt5
とり bird, fowl, poultrydoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
図る はかる (1)to plot/to attempt/to plan/to devise/to design/ (2)to take in/to deceive/ (3)to aim for/to have something in mind/ (4)to refer A to B/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans