Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji tošišitano mladší
kanji džosei assisting, assistance, fostering, aiding
kanji torimodosu to take back, to regain, to get back, to recover
kanji houbi reward, prize
kanji juukou validity, legality, availability, effectiveness
kanji danbou heating
kanji omoi heavy
kanji fuben inconvenient
kanji naru to sound
kanji obaačan to akazukinčan ha onaka kara tobi dašite kimašita. Babička s Karkulkou vyskočily z břicha.
kanji zenšin pokrok
kanji džuugoja night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month
kanji oneesan (honorable) older sister
kanji tošiue no tomodači desu. To je můj starší kamarád.
kanji amaru to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
kanji sugureru to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
kanji aitesenšu protihráč
kanji acui hot
kanji seišo čistopis
kanji sanšin (1)Okinawan traditional three-stringed instrument; precursor to the shamisen; (2)shamisen
kanji kjouikuša educator, teacher, educationalist
kanji maiasa every morning
kanji kiai scream, yell, fighting spirit
kanji šikenmondai examination (exam) questions, questions for an examination
kanji šikiša well-informed person, thinking person, intelligent person