Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji たか výše (ceny apod.)
kanji あかじ (1)deficit, (being in or going into) the red, (2)red text, red letters, (3)corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
kanji ひぐち hořák
kanji にほんじん の おんな と デート した こと が ない。 S Japonkou jsem ještě nechodil.
kanji しかく čtverec
kanji ふじん (1)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam; (2)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam, (3)(arch) wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.), (4)(arch) consort of the emperor; (n) (5)(arch) consort of the emperor
kanji かきとり diktát (ve škole)
kanji たかくつく to be expensive, to be costly
kanji ききて (1)hearer, listener, audience, (2)interviewer, questioner
kanji ひとくち (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word
kanji しがく private (non-governmental) school (college, university)
kanji せいじ と せいふ politics and government
kanji こんげつ this month
kanji かんさいちほう Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)
kanji きにいる pleased
kanji かんこうち sight-seeing area
kanji とし を とる to grow old/to age
kanji せんせい teacher, master, doctor
kanji すいぶん vláha, tekutina, vlhkost, šťáva
kanji のぎく aster
kanji だいじ important
kanji かいし otevření, zahájení
kanji あてる narazit (něčím)
kanji つき moon
kanji いとぐるま kolovrátek