Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
国際 kokusai internationaljlpt3, jlpt4
婦人 fudžin (sens) woman, lady, adult femalemix
入学する njuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
熱中する neččuu suru be addicted to (a hobby)jlpt3
分割 bunkacu partition, division, separation, segmenting, splittingsuru
ライオンの子 raionno子 lion cubdoubutsu
一体 ittai (1)...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"), ...in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"), ...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?"), (n) (2)one object, one body, unity, (3)one form, one style, (4)one Buddhist jlpt3
kumo cloudjlpt4, tenki
さ来週 saraišuu the week after nextjlpt4, toki
冬季 touki (season of) wintermix
出発 šuppacu departjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
開門 kaimon otevření vchoduleda1
等々 toutou and so on, at last, finally, after alljlpt3
先月 sengecu last monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
hon book, mainjlpt5