Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
白い しろい whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
入口 いりぐち entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
三日 みっか three days, the third day of the monthjlpt5, toki
父兄 ふけい rodičekazoku, leda1
十七 じゅうなな 17math
むすめ daughterjlpt3, jlpt4, kazoku
くち mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
耳たぶ みみたぶ ušní lalůčekhito, leda1
はな nosehito, jlpt3, jlpt5
鼻のあな はなのあな nostrilhito
childhito, jlpt4
おなじ; おなじく; くりかえし; どうのじてん; のま množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
弟さん おとうとさん younger brotherkazoku
入る はいる to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
兄弟子 あにでし starší učedník, stoupenecleda1