Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
~月 ~gacu month (of the year)jlpt5, toki
oku (num) 100,000,000, hundred millionjlpt4
火事 kadži firejlpt4, leda1
kami kami, spiritual essencekami, leda1
cuki moonjlpt4
白い široi whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
月夜 cukijo měsíčná nocleda1
白黒 širokuro (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence iro
金づち kanadzuči kladivoleda1
~日 ~niči day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
joru evening/night/(P)leda1, toki
黒い kuroi blackadj, iro
koto věc, záležitostleda1
幸せな šiawase na happyadj, jlpt3
白バイ širobai police motorcycleryokou