Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
古手 furute veteránleda1
動転した doutenshita upsetadj, emo
今日 kyou todayjlpt5, leda1, toki
三角 sankaku trojúhelníkleda1, math
イギリス人 igirisujin Englishman, Englishwomanmix
よい天気です。 yoitenkidesu. The weather is nice. tenki
父母 chichihaha rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1
元気出して。 genki dashite. keep up your strength, chin up!kaiwa
気づく kiduku to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realisegodan, verb
ちんちんの大きさはどのくらい? chinchin no ookisa ha dono kurai? How big is your 'package'?ai, baka
ame rainjlpt5, leda1, tenki
女神 megami goddesskami, leda1
水道 suidou water works, water supplyjlpt4, leda1
2と3分の2 nitosanbunnoni 2 2/3 (two and two thirds)math
二つ futatsu twojlpt5