Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
ni (num) twojlpt5
九日 kokonoka nine days, the ninth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
七日 nanoka seven days, the seventh day of the monthjlpt5, toki
濃い koi darkadj, iro, jlpt3
白黒 širokuro (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence iro
緑色の midoriirono greenadj, iro
青い aoi blue, pale, green, unripe, inexperiencedadj, iro, jlpt5
金づち kanadzuči kladivoleda1
jon fourjlpt5
今時 imadoki dnešní doba, současnost, touto dobouleda1, toki
四十 jondžuu 40math
緑の日 midorinohi (n) Greenery Day (national holiday; May 4)namae, toki
六つ muccu sixjlpt5
seki seatjlpt4, ryokou
八つ jaccu eightjlpt5
十七 džuunana 17math
水車 suiša water wheelmix
九九 kuku násobilkaleda1, math
黄色い kiiroi yellowiro, jlpt5
時期 džiki (1)time, season, period, (adv) (2)(col) soon, shortly toki
ši (num) fourjlpt5, mix
四日 jokka fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
hjaku (num) 100, hundredjlpt5
iči onejlpt5
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
go (num) fivejlpt5
七五三 šičigosan Šičigosan (svátek tří-, pěti- a sedmiletých dětí)leda1, namae
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
早い hajai earlyadj, jlpt5, toki
七色の nanairono sedmibarevnýadj, iro, leda1