Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji きんメダル gold medal
kanji ここのか nine days, the ninth day (of the month)
kanji ~にち day (of the month)
kanji ぎん silver
kanji じゅうよん 14
kanji むっつ six
kanji あか red
kanji はち eight
kanji すいしゃ water wheel
kanji いまどき dnešní doba, současnost, touto dobou
kanji とお 10, ten
kanji きんぎん gold and silver
kanji いろ color
kanji せん 1,000, thousand
kanji みっつ three
kanji あかい red
kanji (num) five
kanji なのか seven days, the seventh day of the month
kanji いま now, soon, immediately
kanji しろくろ (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence
kanji いつか five days, the fifth day (of the month)
kanji いち one
kanji しゃくどういろ bronzová barva
kanji せん line
kanji はつか twenty days, twentieth day of the month