Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
昨今 さっこん nowadays, recently; nowadays, recentlytoki
高熱 こうねつ (1)high fever, (2)pyro- mix
典型的 てんけいてき typical, prototypical, representative, stereotypical, model, idealmix
円形 えんけい kruh, kololeda1, math
大枚 たいまい velký finanční obnosleda1
成り立つ なりたつ (1)to consist of, (2)to be practical (logical, feasible, viable), to be concluded, to hold true godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
授業参観日 じゅぎょうさんかんび parents school visiting daygakkou
大切(な) たいせつ(な) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
美酒 びしゅ high-grade sakeleda1
禁止 きんし prohibitionjlpt3, leda1
小銭 こぜに coins, small changejlpt3
不足 ふそく lackjlpt3, mix
世の中 よのなか svět, život, běh světaleda1
好み このみ liking, taste, choicemix