Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
解決 かいけつ settlement, solution, resolutionjlpt3, suru
Existují dva druhy horkých pramenů.onsen
追求 ついきゅう (1)pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search, (vs) (2)to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek mix
天神 てんじん Tenjin, god of scholarshipkami
弟さん おとうとさん younger brotherkazoku
最大公約数 さいだいこうやくすう the highest common factormath
反問 はんもん cross-examination/retort/asking in returnleda1, suru
降参 こうさん giving in to, giving up, surrendersuru
もらって来る もらってくる to bringirregular, verb
国歌 こっか national anthemmix
左折 させつ odbočení dolevaleda1
負け まけ defeat, loss, losing (a game)jlpt3
宮城 きゅうじょう Imperial Palaceseiji
いつの間にか いつのまにか before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawaresjlpt3
習字 しゅうじ rukopis, psaní, kaligrafieleda1