Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
独学 dokugaku self-education, self-instruction, self-studysuru
四季 šiki four seasonstenki
積雪 sekisecu fallen snowmix
子牛 kouši calfdoubutsu
一方で ippoude on the other handmix
下の名前 šitanonamae first name, given namemix
飛鳥時代 asukadžidai Asuka period (550-710 CE)mix
着く cuku to arrive at, to reachgodan, jlpt5, verb
終わった後、時々ミルクを飲みます。 owatta ato,tokidoki miruku wo nomimasu. Potom občas pijeme mléko.onsen
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear, plainmix