Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
活花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
金づち kanadzuči kladivoleda1
考え kangae myšlenka, názor, úvaha, nápadjlpt3, leda1
知人 čidžin friend, acquaintancemix
平安 heian mír, pokoj, období Heianleda1, namae
閉集合 heišuugou closed setmath
問い合わせる toiawaseru to enquire, to inquire, to seek informationichidan, verb
汚い kitanai dirtyadj, jlpt5
大国主 ookuninuši Ookuninushi, ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magickami
一部 ičibu (1)one part, one portion, one section, some, (2)one copy (e.g. of a document) mix
回す mawasu (1)to turn/to rotate/to gyrate/ (2)to circulate/to send around/ (3)to surround/ (4)to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers)/(suf,v5s) (5)(after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to ch godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
呼び鈴 jobirin bell (used for summoning or signalling), buzzermix
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
音楽 ongaku music, musical movementjlpt5, leda1, ongaku
雪だるま jukidaruma snowmanmix
持ち主 močinuši owner, proprietormix
地味な džimi na plainjlpt3
立場 tačiba stanovisko, hledisko, situaceleda1
ボランティア活動に参加したくないです。 boranteィa kacudou ni sanka šitakunai desu. Nechci se účastnit dobrovolnických aktivit.mix
町立の čouricuno městský, patřící městuleda1
報道 houdou zprávy, zpravodajstvíleda1
仕方 šikata method, wayjlpt4, leda1
ジャケットの下で白黒のワンピースを着ています。 džaketto no šita de širokuro no wanpi-su wo kiteimasu. Pod kabátkem má černobílé šaty.byousha
選出 senšucu electionseiji, suru
食材 šokuzai (1)ingredient, (2)foodstuff ryouri
起こす okosu to raise, to cause, to wake someonegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
路面 romen road surfacemix
親子 ojako parent and childkazoku
日当たり hiatari sunny sideleda1