Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji とうじつ that day
kanji ねんきん annuity, pension
kanji こまかいおかね small change
kanji がめん terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photo
kanji まがる curve, be bent, be crooked, turn
kanji みよう point of view, way of seeing
kanji はたち 20 years old, 20th year
kanji おもいで vzpomínka
kanji おせじ では ありません。 It is not a compliment.
kanji なる (1)(uk) to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, (2)to result in, to prove to be, (3)to consist of, to be composed of, (4)to succeed, to be complete, (5)to change into, to be excha
kanji はっこう (1)issue (publications), publishing, (2)raising an event (software)
kanji じどう ドア automatické dveře
kanji へいあんじだい Heian period (794-1185)
kanji テレビ を みて、とけい の じかん を あわせた。 Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.
kanji まち town,city
kanji なくなる be lost
kanji あんごう code/password/cipher/(P)
kanji ねまき pyjamas
kanji としうえ の ともだち です。 To je můj starší kamarád.
kanji へんせつ change of opinion
kanji ほんとう truth, reality
kanji くらげ jellyfish
kanji spirit, mind
kanji しんしゅん nový rok
kanji わかりやすい です。 Je to lehké na pochopení.