Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji tetsudou railroad
kanji tsugu (1)to join, (2)to piece together, (3)to set (bones), (4)to graft (trees); to join (cloth, wood, etc.)
kanji machihazure předměstí, periferie
kanji mangetsu full moon
kanji sougaku sum total, total amount
kanji chounan nejstarší syn
kanji douten deadlock/tie/draw/(P)
kanji katame one eye; (uk) (sens) blindness in one eye, having one eye much bigger than the other, someone blind in one eye, someone with one eye much bigger than the other
kanji saikin recently
kanji seibutsu biology, living things
kanji yakkyoku pharmacy
kanji sassoku ihned, okamžitě
kanji tokidoki sometimes
kanji tsuchi ground
kanji hatsumimi novinka, nová zpráva
kanji bouryoku violence, mayhem
kanji kikoubun traveller's journal, traveler's journal
kanji inryou beverage, drink; one's (portion of a) drink
kanji kougo (1)spoken language, (2)literary style based on (modern) spoken language
kanji shiageru to finish up/to complete/(P)
kanji shi city
kanji gou shromáždit se
kanji kirei dattara,kekkon shimasu. Pokud bude hezká, ožením se.
kanji ryoukou favorable, favourable, satisfactory
kanji yokushitsu bathroom, bath