Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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重要 džuujou important, momentous, essential, principal, majorjlpt3
重要な džuujouna important, momentous, essential, principal, majorjlpt3
大切(な) taisecu(na) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
~中 ~čuu in (the middle of), within, during, whilejlpt5
要するに jousuruni in a word, after all, the point is ..., in short ...mix
駅前 ekimae in front of station/(P)leda1
次々 cugicugi in succession, one by onejlpt3
市中 šičuu in the citymix
午前中 gozenčuu in the morningtoki
出来事 dekigoto incident, affair, happening, eventjlpt3
不便 fuben inconvenientadj, jlpt4
インド洋 indojou Indian Oceanmix
室内 šicunai indoor/inside the room/(P)adj, leda1
工業国 kougjoukoku industrialized nation, industrialised nationmix
工業 kougjou industryjlpt4
石頭 išiatama inflexible person/(P)adj, leda1
持ち味 močiadži inherent flavor, inherent flavour, distinctive characteristicmix
不正 fusei injusticemix
muši insectdoubutsu, jlpt4, leda1
食虫動物 šokučuudoubucu insectivoredoubutsu
車内 šanai inside a carriagemix
館内 kannai inside buildingmix
体内 tainai inside the body/(P)adj, leda1
naka inside, middle, amongjlpt5
不安定 fuantei instability, insecurity, crankinessmix
代わり kawari instead ofjlpt4
運動不足 undoubusoku insufficient exercisebyouki
利子 riši interest (bank)mix
面白い omoširoi interestingadj, leda1
oku interior/inner part/inside/(P)mix
親しい šitašii intimate, close (e.g. friend)jlpt3
中出し nakadaši intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculationai, suru
内気な učikina introvertadj, emo
発動 hacudou invoke (law), put into operationsuru
tecu ironkagaku
鉄山 tecuzan iron minemix
石川県 išikawaken Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
šima islandjlpt4, leda1, shizen
島国 šimaguni island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)/(P)leda1
品目 hinmoku item/commodity/list of articles/(P)leda1
岩手県 iwateken Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
一月 ičigacu januaryleda1, toki
日本 nihon Japannamae
日本 nippon Japannamae
国語 kokugo Japanesegakkou, leda1
日本語 nihongo japanesemix
和服 wafuku Japanese clothesmix
和食 wašoku Japanese foodryouri
日本食 nihonšoku Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
日本画 nihonga Japanese paintingmix
日本人 nihondžin Japanese personmix
日本式 nihonšiki Japanese stylemix
和風 wafuu Japanese style/(P)leda1
着物 kimono Japanese traditional dressjlpt4
半紙 hanši Japanese writing paper used for calligraphymix
和室 wašicu Japanese-style room/(P)uchi
親日家 šinničika Japanophilemix
水母 kurage jellyfishdoubutsu
入部 njuubu joining a clubsuru
入社 njuuša joining a companyleda1, shigoto
中学校 čuugakkou junior high schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
中学生 čuugakusei junior high school studentgakkou
少々 šoušou just a minuteleda1
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
神楽 kagura Kagura, Shinto theatrical dancekami
kami kami, spiritual essencekami, leda1
神風 kamikaze kamikazekami
空手 karate karatesport
親切 šinsecu kindnessemo, jlpt4
ou kingleda1
王様 ousama kingleda1
王者 oudža king/monarch/ruler/(P)leda1
台所 daidokoro kitchenjlpt5, uchi
生ごみ namagomi kitchen wastemix
小林 kobajaši Kobayashinamae
高知県 koučiken Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)namae
京都 kjouto Kyoto/(P)leda1, namae
不足 fusoku lackjlpt3, mix
玉じゃくし tamadžakuši ladleryouri
子羊 kohicudži lambdoubutsu, leda1
着地 čakuči landingsuru
~語 ~go languagejlpt5
言語 gengo languagebunpou, leda1
語学 gogaku language studybunpou, gakkou
大金 taikin large amount of money, great costmix
大国 taikoku large country, major powersmix
大皿 oozara large plate/platterleda1
終発 šuuhacu last departure (of a train, bus, etc.)/last train/last busleda1, ryokou
先月 sengecu last monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
終電 šuuden last trainryokou
終電車 šuudenša last trainleda1
先週 senšuu last week, the week beforejlpt5, leda1, toki
去年 kjonen last yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
遅く osoku latemix
深夜 šin'ja late at nightmix
遅い osoi late, slowadj, jlpt5
後ほど nočihodo later on, eventually, afterwardsmix
第一人者 daiičininša leading person/(P)leda1
早引け hajabike leaving work (office, school) earlysuru
hidari left hand sidejlpt5
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