Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
自習 じしゅう samostudiumleda1
責任 せきにん (1)duty, responsibility (incl. supervision of staff), (2)liability, onus jlpt3
動脈 どうみゃく arteryhito
関連 かんれん relation, connection, relevancesuru
激化 げきか intensification, aggravation; intensification, aggravationsuru
前のように まえ のうに as beforemix
前進 ぜんしん pokrokleda1
温厚な おんこうな laskavýmix
号令 ごうれい order/commandleda1, suru
のう brainhito
急な きゅうな urgentjlpt3
真冬 まふゆ období kolem zimního slunovratu, pravá zimaleda1, toki
秋風 あきかぜ podzimní vítrleda1, shizen
いばら (1)thorny shrub, (2)wild rose, briar, (3)thorn, (4)(architectural) cusp mix