Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
給料日 kjuurjoubi paydaymix
大刀 daitou long swordsensou
正直な šoudžikina honestadj, emo, jlpt3
大声で oogoede hlasitě, nahlasleda1
公立 kouricu public (institution)mix
欲求 jokkjuu desiresuru
あっと言う間 attoiuma a blink of timejlpt3
単調 tančou monotony, monotone, dullnessmix
メモ帳 memočou memo book, memo pad, notebook, notepad, scratchpad, scratch pad, writing pad, jottermix
加わる kuwawaru přidat se, připojit se, zúčastnit severb
散らす čirasu (1)to scatter, to cause a shower of, (2)to disperse, to distribute, to spread, (3)to resolve (a symptom, condition, etc.), to relieve, to get rid of, to cure, (4)to distract, to divert, (suf,v5s) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
夢中な mučuuna daze/(in a) trance/ecstasy/delirium/engrossment/within a (deep) dream/(P)adj, jlpt3
地下道 čikadou subterranean tunnelmix
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
古老 korou old people, seniors, elders, old-timermix