Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
愛妻弁当 aisaibentou a Bento (lunch box) prepared by one's loving wifeai
所為 sei (obsc) act, deed, one's doing; (uk) cause, reason, faultmix
変人 hendžin eccentric, crank, oddballmix
友軍 juugun friendly troopssensou
吸入 kjuunjuu inhalationsuru
体積 taiseki capacity, volumemix
実現 džicugen implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisationsuru
閉める šimeru to close, shutichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
下げる sageru to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
南米 nanbei South Americamix
旅行会社 rjokougaiša travel agent, travel agencyryokou
屋根 jane roofuchi
原発 genpacu (1)(abbr) nuclear power plant, nuclear power generation, (adj-no,n,vs) (2)primary (e.g. primary immunodeficiency syndrome) denki
陰陽 in'jou cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.mix
後手 gote white player (shogi)Shogi