Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
tomi wealth, fortunemix
zu figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)leda1, math
気持ち悪い kimočiwarui bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgustingmix
消え去る kiesaru to disappear, to vanishgodan, verb
夜景 jakei night viewmix
ken (1)(uk) the above-mentioned, the said, (man, incident, etc.) in question, (2)the usual; (3)matter, case, item, (ctr) (4)counter for cases, matters, etc. mix
高校生 koukousei high school studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
飼う kau to keep, to raise, to feedgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
すれ違う surečigau to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each othergodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
自由席 džijuuseki unreserved seatryokou
母親 hahaoja matkakazoku, leda1
悪魔 akuma devil, demon, fiend, Satan, evil spiritkami
可哀相 kawaisou poor, pitiable, pathetic, pitifulmix
青森 aomori Aomori (city and prefecture)namae
並ぶ narabu to line up, to stand in a linegodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans