Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ippoude on the other hand
kanji tenpura tenpura
kanji mikka three days, the third day of the month
kanji ikkagetsu one month
kanji itsuka five days, the fifth day (of the month)
kanji nanafun 7 minutes
kanji tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)
kanji hyakuendama 100 yen coin
kanji yama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical point
kanji wakareru (1)to branch/to fork/to diverge/ (2)to separate/to split/to divide/ (3)to disperse/to scatter/(P)
kanji bun part
kanji gofun 5 minutes
kanji shoushou just a minute
kanji en circle
kanji nitosanbunnoni 2 2/3 (two and two thirds)
kanji tenisuru (1)to hold (in one's hand), to take (into one's hand), (2)to own, to obtain
kanji inu dog
kanji san (num) three
kanji ichinichijuu throughout the day
kanji hitotsuki one month
kanji ki tree, wood
kanji hitotsu one
kanji marui round, circular, spherical
kanji sai numerativ pro věk
kanji sansai tříletý