Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
木の葉 konoha tree leafleda1, shizen
分母 bunbo the denominatormath
母校 bokou alma matergakkou, leda1
方言 hougen dialekt, nářečíbunpou, leda1
一気 ikki (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)mix
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
bun partmix
他方 tahou (1)one (esp. of two)/the other/one way/the other way/one direction/the other direction/one side/the other side/one party/the other party/(conj) (2)on the other hand/(P) adj, leda1
帰国 kikoku return to one's countryjlpt3
絵本 ehon picture bookmix