Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
引く ひく minus, -jlpt3, math
やる気 やるき willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
先手 せんて black player (shogi)Shogi
切る きる (1)to cut (usu. to cut through)/ (2)to sever (connections, ties)/ (3)to turn off (i.e. the light)/ (4)to terminate (i.e. a conversation)/to hang up (the phone)/to disconnect/ (5)to punch (a ticket)/t godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
外出する がいしゅつする vyjít si, jít venleda1, suru, verb