Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
四つ joccu fourjlpt5
よい天気です。 joitenkidesu. The weather is nice. tenki
友人 juudžin friend/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3, leda1
女子 džoši girl, Ms.hito, leda1
ザリガニ下目 zariganikamoku crayfishdoubutsu
少女 šoudžo girlhito, leda1
年上の tošiueno staršíleda1
水切り mizukiri (1)drainer, strainer, colander, (2)cutwater, forefoot, flashing, throating, (3)(playing) ducks and drakes, stone skipping, skipping rocks, (4)snipping the stem of a cut flower without raising it o suru
中耳 čuudži middle earhito
用いる močiiru to use, to make use of, to utilize, to utiliseichidan, verb, vtrans
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
年上の友達です。 tošiue no tomodači desu. To je můj starší kamarád.mix
hajaši woodleda1, shizen
青竹 aodake green bambooleda1
水色 mizuiro turquoiseiro, leda1