Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
tsuchi groundshizen
お子さん okosan child (polite)jlpt4
yon fourjlpt5
nama rawadj, jlpt3, ryouri
一日 ichinichi whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
小テスト shoutesuto quiz, small testmix
日本 nihon Japannamae
一口 hitokuchi (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
九九 kuku násobilkaleda1, math
一つ hitotsu onejlpt5
hidari left hand sidejlpt5
生まれる umareru to be bornichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
木立 kodachi les, háj, skupinka stromůleda1, shizen
入り口 iriguchi vchod, vjezdleda1
目ざす mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
正しい tadashii right, correctadj, jlpt4
川上 kawakami horní tok řekyleda1, shizen
ni (num) twojlpt5
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1
生む umu to give birth, to deliver, to producegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
me eye, eyeballhito, jlpt5
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
十七 juunana 17math
man (num) 10,000, ten thousand, (adv) myriads, alljlpt5
小さな chiisana smalladj, jlpt4
小ちゃい chiichai small (babytalk form)adj
大木 taiboku big treeleda1, shizen
~本 ~hon counter for long, cylindrical objectscounter, jlpt5
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
立ち上がる tachiagaru (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans