Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji touhi escape, evasion, flight
kanji zatši journal, magazine
kanji jouka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)
kanji nagai long
kanji hiban off duty
kanji tenki ha dou desuka. How is the weather?
kanji joudži infant/baby/child/(P)
kanji šoudžinrjouri vegetarian cuisine originally derived from the dietry restrictions of Buddhist monks
kanji koi dark
kanji čuunen middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle years
kanji kekkou na nice, fine
kanji hougen dialekt, nářečí
kanji čidori plover
kanji čikurin bamboo thicket
kanji antei stability, equilibrium
kanji neidžicu peaceful day
kanji naze; nanijue (uk) why, how; (uk) why, how
kanji mukou over there, opposite direction, across the way
kanji tokkuri (1)sake bottle, tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic, metal or glass that can be used for sake, shoyu or rice vinegar, (2)turtleneck (sweater), (3)someone who cannot swim
kanji koukoku inzerát, vývěska, oznámení
kanji katai firm
kanji kizucukeru (1)to wound, to injure, (2)to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.), (3)to damage, to chip, to scratch
kanji icunomanika before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawares
kanji gozondži know
kanji džindžibu personnel department