Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji きこえる audible, can hear
kanji じゅうてん important point/lay stress on/colon/emphasis/(P)
kanji さいてい (1)least, lowest, worst, (2)nasty, disgusting, horrible, yuck!
kanji つぎ (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P)
kanji ひとつき one month
kanji はんぶん half
kanji できるだけ (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
kanji ばいたつび delivery day
kanji かぎり (1)limit, limits, bounds, (2)degree, extent, scope, (3)as far as possible, as much as possible, to the best of one's ability, (4)unless (after neg. verb), (5)the end, the last
kanji つくりかた způsob výroby, zpracování, zhotovení
kanji さいこう highest, supreme, the most
kanji おさけ を のんで も、たのしく なりません。 I když budu pít alkohol, nebude to zábava.
kanji じょうげ nahoře a dole
kanji いただく (1)(hum) to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy, (2)(hum) (pol) to eat, to drink, (3)to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), (4)to have (as one's leader), to live un
kanji とんそく pigs feet
kanji うりあげ amount sold, sales, proceeds, takings
kanji こぶん ancient writing, classical literature; ancient writing, classical literature
kanji ぜんはん first half
kanji きんじょ neighbor hood
kanji つうか passage through, transit, passing
kanji あつまる to gather
kanji せん 1,000, thousand
kanji みっせつ related, connected, close, intimate
kanji まっくら (1)total darkness, pitch dark, (2)bleak future, poor prospects
kanji おおく many, much, largely, abundantly, mostly