Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
気が付く kigacuku (1)to notice, to become aware, to perceive, to realize, to realise, (2)to recover consciousness, to come to oneself godan, verb
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
大使館 taišikan embassyjlpt5
作者 sakuša author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
金山 kinzan (gold) mine; (gold) minemix
知的 čiteki intellectualmix
新聞社 šinbunša newspaper officejlpt4
王様 ousama kingleda1
~歳 ~sai years oldjlpt5, toki
整数 seisuu integermath
文学作品 bungakusakuhin literary workmix
日記 nikki diaryjlpt4, leda1
狭量 kjourjou narrow-mindednessmix
生理 seiri (1)physiology, (2)menstruation, one's period, menses hito
教え ošie teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3