Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
新年おめでとう šinnen'omedetou Happy New Yearkaiwa
小テスト šoutesuto quiz, small testmix
エー足すビー足すシー e-tasubi-tasuši- A+B+Cmath
若しかしたら mošikašitara (uk) perhaps/maybe/perchance/by some chance/by any chance/(P)jlpt3
外す hazusu vyjmout, sundat, uvolnitgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
耳にする miminisuru to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident, to catch (the sound)suru
kusa grassjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
雨男 ameotoko man whose presence seems to cause rainmix
生きる ikiru to live, to existichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
本名 honmei real name; real namemix
今月末 kongecumacu end of this monthmix
分かりやすいです。 wakarijasui desu. Je to lehké na pochopení.mix
「なんてことを言うのですか? 「 nantekoto wo iu no desuka? Ale co to povídáš?usagitokame
春風 harukaze jarní vítrleda1, shizen, tenki
入国 njuukoku entry to a countryryokou
大男 oootoko velký muž, obrhito, leda1
空間 kuukan spaceleda1, math
高校生 koukousei high school studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
入口 iriguči entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
来年 rainen next yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
玉ねぎ tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)mix
寒いです。 samui desu. It's cold. tenki
思う人 omou hito člověk, na kterého myslímmix
少女 šoudžo girlhito, leda1
自白 džihaku confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgmentsuru
aida a spacejlpt4, leda1, toki
記録 kiroku (1)record, minutes, document, (2)a record (e.g. in sports), results, score, (vs) (3)to record, to document, (4)to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value jlpt3
何時 icu whenjlpt5
軽銀 keigin aluminium, aluminumkagaku