Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji めいとう slavný meč, výtečný meč
kanji やどす (1)to keep (guest), (2)to conceive, (3)to carry (virus), (4)to entrust
kanji こうま foal
kanji よんじゅう 40
kanji ばか idiot
kanji ひのまる (1)outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle)/ (2)(abbr) the Japanese flag/(P)
kanji ~め ~st, ~nd, ~rd
kanji くまんばち bumblebee
kanji tree, wood
kanji すべ way, method, means
kanji めざす to aim at, to have an eye on
kanji よっつ four
kanji まるき log
kanji はやし wood
kanji ゆきだるま snowman
kanji さと (1)village/hamlet/ (2)countryside/country/ (3)home (of one's parents, etc.)/hometown/ (4)one's origins/one's upbringing/one's past
kanji もくば (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet)
kanji かげ (1)shadow, silhouette, (2)reflection, image, (3)presence, sign, (4)light (stars, moon)
kanji シャボンだま mýdlová bublina
kanji ゆきをまるめる to make a snowball
kanji ろく (num) six
kanji あい love
kanji ひとつ one
kanji はち eight
kanji しか deer