Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
iči onejlpt5
シャボン玉 šabondama mýdlová bublinaleda1
四日 jokka fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
juki snowjlpt5, tenki
子豚 kobuta pigletdoubutsu
豚カツ tonkacu schnitzelryouri
~日 ~niči day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
四十 jondžuu 40math
十四 džuujon 14math
木馬 mokuba (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet) leda1