Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji じゅうごや night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month
kanji ふそく lack
kanji かいか (1)flowers budding, blooming, flowering, (2)showing results, becoming popular, blooming
kanji やまみち mountain path
kanji ほかの jiný, ostatní
kanji さどう čajový obřad
kanji なまにく raw meat, fresh meat
kanji やめる to stop
kanji ふべんきょう idleness, lack of application, lazy study habits
kanji しいん (ling) consonant
kanji かく (1)to draw, to paint, to sketch, (2)to depict, to describe; (3)to draw, to paint, to sketch
kanji おんなごころ ženská psychika
kanji ふるい old (not person), ancient, stale
kanji ちゅうこしゃ ojeté auto, auto z druhé ruky
kanji しろざけ sweet white sake
kanji ちかぢか soon, nearness, before long; soon, nearness, before long
kanji きじ (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace
kanji べんきょうする to study
kanji しゃっきん debt/loan/liabilities/(P)
kanji ながい long
kanji もういちど again
kanji かいがい zámoří, cizina
kanji はねだ Haneda Airport
kanji しがく private (non-governmental) school (college, university)
kanji うた song