Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
生け花 いけばな flower arrangementmix
洗い場 あらいば washing placegodan, verb, vintrans
Na páté fotce je Japonec. byousha1
明かり あかり světlo, lampaleda1
三分 さんぷん 3 minutestoki
安い やすい cheap, peaceful, quiet, thoughtlessadj, jlpt5, leda1
分の ぶんの denominator bun no numerator (in writing common fractions), X Yth's (Y bun no X)jlpt3, math
一部 いちぶ (1)one part, one portion, one section, some, (2)one copy (e.g. of a document) mix
着る きる to wear, put on (from shoulders down)fuku, ichidan, jlpt5, verb
山道 やまみち mountain pathleda1, ryokou, shizen
入門書 にゅうもんしょ primer, manual, introductory bookmix
建物 たてもの buildingjlpt5, uchi
工場 こうじょう factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
小学校 しょうがっこう elementary schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
見かける みかける to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight ofichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans