Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
風力 fuurjoku wind powermix
風雨 fuuu wind and rain/(P)leda1
入国 njuukoku entry to a countryryokou
下らない kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthlessadj
二つ futacu twojlpt5
入口 iriguči entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
šita under, belowjlpt5
~本 ~hon counter for long, cylindrical objectscounter, jlpt5
水田 suiden rice fieldleda1, shizen
玉ねぎ tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)mix
立てる tateru to raise, to set upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
世界 sekai worldjlpt4, shizen
五月雨 samidare early-summer rain; early-summer rainmix
立ち上がる tačiagaru (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans
女の人 onnanohito womanhito, leda1
今風 imafuu dnešní styl, současný stylleda1
一日中 ičiničidžuu throughout the daytoki
大山猫 oojamaneko lynxdoubutsu
雨天 uten rainy weathermix
年下の tošišitano mladšíleda1
中年 čuunen middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle yearsmix
jama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
人生 džinsei human lifeleda1
猫かぶり nekokaburi feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothingsuru
出し daši (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ičiničidžuu,ge-mu wo šiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
nama rawadj, jlpt3, ryouri
今や imaja nowtoki
どの人 dono hito který člověkmix
haha motherjlpt3, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1