Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
不幸 ふこう unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, deathmix
年上の としうえの staršíleda1
川下 かわしも downstreamleda1, shizen
一ヶ月 いっかげつ one monthtoki
四日 よっか fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
天女 てんにょ heavenly nymph, celestial maidenmix
火力 かりょく heating power, steam powermix
川上 かわかみ horní tok řekyleda1, shizen
生える はえる (1)to grow, to spring up, (2)to cut (teeth) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
木刀 ぼくとう wooden swordleda1, sensou
上がる あがる (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho godan, verb, vintrans
We go to picnic in spite of rain.ryouri, tenki
手がかり てがかり (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
健全 けんぜん health, soundness, wholesomemix
雨天 うてん rainy weathermix