Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
兆し kizashi signs, omen, symptomsmix
右手 migite pravá rukahito, leda1
四つ yottsu fourjlpt5
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
明かり akari světlo, lampaleda1
中耳 chuuji middle earhito
耳にする miminisuru to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident, to catch (the sound)suru
三日月 mikaduki new moon, crescent moonleda1, shizen
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
八日 youka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)jlpt5, toki
kuchi mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
下ろす orosu (1)to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, (2)to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) of godan, verb, vtrans
土日 donichi weekend, Saturday and Sundaymix
明くる akuru náledující (starší výraz)leda1