Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
man (num) 10,000, ten thousand, (adv) myriads, alljlpt5
moto původ, zdroj, počátekleda1
食べてみない?」 tabete minai?」 Chceš si vzít?akazukinchan
気づく kiduku to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realisegodan, verb
juu (num) 10, tenjlpt5
やる気 yaruki willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
食らう kurau jíst, žrát (nespisovné, mužská japonština)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
too 10, tenjlpt5
sen 1,000, thousandjlpt5