Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
本物 ほんもの genuine articleleda1
具合 ぐあい conditionjlpt4
長生き ながいき dlouhý životleda1
市場 いちば trh, tržiště, tržnice (místo)leda1
おっと husbandjlpt4, kazoku
主語 しゅご (ling) subjectmix
指先 ゆびさき fingertiphito, leda1
見せしめ みせしめ lesson, example, warningmix
転ぶ ころぶ to fall down, to fall over; to fall down, to fall overgodan, verb, vintrans
動力 どうりょく power, motive power, dynamic forcemix