Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
nama rawadj, jlpt3, ryouri
hi dayjlpt4, toki
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1
六日 muika six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
九九 kuku násobilkaleda1, math
kuchi mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
生かす ikasu (1)to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc), (2)to let live, to keep alive, (3)to revive, to resuscitate godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
生まれる umareru to be bornichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
~中 ~chuu in (the middle of), within, during, whilejlpt5
ichi onejlpt5
hachi eightjlpt5
水力 suiryoku hydraulic power, water powermix
生の namano raw, uncookedadj, ryouri
二日 futsuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae