Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji honnen this (current) year
kanji anata to ha kuchi mo kikitakunai no. I don't want to hear another word out of you.
kanji kireizukina clean (person)
kanji izure (1)(uk) where, which, who, (2)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time; (adv,pn,adj-no) (3)(uk) where, which, who, (4)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, soon
kanji tokin Promoted pawn ("tokin")
kanji kougo (1)spoken language, (2)literary style based on (modern) spoken language
kanji onnanohito woman
kanji otoshidama novoroční dárek, novoroční koleda
kanji oyatsu snack
kanji han'en půlkruh
kanji shinjin (1)new face/newcomer/ (2)modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)/(P)
kanji hyakuman (1)1,000,000, one million, million, (2)many
kanji shichi (num) seven
kanji mihon vzorek
kanji koukousei high school student
kanji konomi liking, taste, choice
kanji ~gatsu month (of the year)
kanji chuuji middle ear
kanji konnichi dnešní den, v dnešní době
kanji yamayama mountains
kanji suku to like/to love/to be fond of
kanji tsukihi čas, měsíce a dny
kanji ou king
kanji yuku to go
kanji imaya now