Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji kitasu zapříčinit, přivodit (újmu)
kanji mainichi every day
kanji honnin the person himself
kanji iitenki fine weather, fair weather
kanji yoitenkidesu. The weather is nice.
kanji boku I (used by men with close acquaintances)
kanji gakka study subject, course of study
kanji ototoshi year before last
kanji chinchin no ookisa ha dono kurai? How big is your 'package'?
kanji kariru to borrow, to hire, to rent
kanji nihonga Japanese painting
kanji ano hito ga tabeteiru no ha nan desuka. Co jí tamten člověk?
kanji morattekuru to bring
kanji asahi ranní slunce
kanji imafuu dnešní styl, současný styl
kanji shokuatari food poisoning
kanji daigakuinsei graduate student
kanji ateru narazit (něčím)
kanji fuudo natural features, topography, climate, spiritual features
kanji maitsuki every month, each month, monthly
kanji kongetsumatsu end of this month
kanji ~mai sheet, page, piece, counter for thin, flat objects
kanji taimai velký finanční obnos
kanji nyuugakusuru to enter school or university
kanji nihonjuu po (celém) Japonsku